159+ Games and Learning Activities for Preschoolers

Learn& Play: 159+ Games and Learning Activities for Preschoolers Ebook pdf

Now that your child is beyond the baby stage, she’s ready for even more fun and games. By playing and interacting with parents your child will grow rapidly in all areas of development.

159+ Games and Learning Activities for Preschoolers

Between the ages of three and six, your child undergoes remarkable changes in:

Physical Growth

  • Gross Motor Skills: Your child’s body is becoming more flexible. Her arms and legs are lengthening and getting stronger, so she’s able to do more gross motor activities such as running, jumping, climbing, rolling, swinging, riding a tricycle—even skating and skiing!
  • Fine Motor Skills: As your child’s fingers slim down and lengthen, she’s better at tasks requiring manual dexterity such as drawing, coloring, feeding herself, dressing herself, tying her shoes, and brushing her teeth.

Cognitive Growth

  • Thinking Skills: As your child’s brain develops in size, capacity, and specialty function, her thinking and problem-solving abilities improve dramatically. She’s able to reason more concretely, seek solutions to tasks, and remember things in greater detail for longer periods of time.

Language Skills

  • Symbolic Thinking: As her cognitive ability grows, she begins to think symbolically through the use of language. She substitutes words for pictures and gestures, and she understands the meanings of hundreds of concepts. She uses words to express needs, share feelings, and interact socially.
  • Vocabulary: At age six your child will probably have a vocabulary of over ten thousand words, will understand the basic rules of grammar, and will increase her vocabulary by six to ten new words each day!

Psychological Growth

  • Self-Awareness: As your child grows physically and cognitively, she also becomes aware other identity. She recognizes her body parts, shows off her toys, draws simple pictures of herself and her family, and enjoys saying her name and age.
  • Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: Along with self-awareness comes self-confidence, which leads to selfesteem. As your child begins to know herself better, she gains confidence in her ability to try new things, take chances, and complete tasks. Each success promotes her self-esteem, which leads to further challenges and successes.

Emotional Expression

  • Sharing Feelings: Psychologically, your child is well past the reflex crying stage and can more appropriately express her feelings, desires, wants, and needs. As her emotions become more fine-tuned and controlled, she’s better able to manage her feelings through verbalizing, art expression, and dramatic play.

Social Skills

  • Social Interaction: Your child’s social skills increase as she comes in contact with more people at home and in the neighborhood and community. Getting along with others is crucial to success in all areas of life, so your child should spend lots of time with friends and peers.

By providing a stimulating educational environment, you as a parent can help your child reach her developmental potential. Just remember:

1. Your child learns through play, especially when you are actively involved.

2. You’re the best teacher for your child, and you can make learning fun.

3. Enjoy spending time with your child. The investment will pay off in more ways than you can imagine.

All you need are a few stimulating ideas, some creative materials, and time to enjoy the fun. And here will find the help! So have fun with your preschooler during the Play Years, and enjoy the change from clumsy to graceful, from few words to a rich vocabulary, and from an egocentric toddler to a socially adept human being. The bond you build with your child during these years will last forever.

Language: English
Format: epub
Size: 10 mb

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