Abnormal Psychology 6th ed.

Abnormal Psychology 6th ed. by David H. Barlow and V. Mark Durand

The first edition of Abnormal Psychology pioneered a new generation of abnormal psychology textbooks, which offer an integrative and multidimensional perspective. Authors include substantial current evidence of the reciprocal influences of biology and behavior and of psychological and social influences on biology.

Their examples hold students’ attention; for example, they discuss genetic contributions to divorce, the effects of early social and behavioral experience on later brain function and structure, new information on the relation of social networks to the common cold, and new data on psychosocial treatments for cancer. They emphasize the fact that in the phenomenon of implicit memory and blind sight, which may have parallels in dissociative experiences, psychological science verifies the existence of the unconscious (although it does not much resemble the seething caldron of conflicts envisioned by Freud).

They present new evidence confirming the effects of psychological treatments on  eurotransmitter flow and brain function. They acknowledge the often neglected area of emotion theory for its rich contributions to psychopathology (e.g., the effects of anger on cardiovascular disease). They weave scientific findings from the study of emotions together with behavioral, biological, cognitive, and social discoveries to create an integrated tapestry of psychopathology.


  1. Abnormal Behavior in Historical Context
  2. An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology
  3. Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
  4. Research Methods
  5. Anxiety Disorders
  6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
  7. Mood Disorders and Suicide
  8. Eating and Sleep Disorders
  9. Physical Disorders and Health Psychology
  10. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
  11. Substance-Related and Impulse-Control Disorders
  12. Personality Disorders
  13. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
  14. Developmental Disorders
  15. Cognitive Disorders
  16. Mental Health Services: Legal and Ethical Issues

Language: English         Format: PDF         Pages: 743        Size: 29 mb

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