How to Be Rich

How to Be Rich by Andy Stanley

Rich is the other guy. Rich is that other family. Rich isn’t just having extra. Rich is having as much extra as the person who has more extra than you do. Rich is having more than you currently have. If that’s the case, you can be rich and not know it. You can be rich and not feel it. You can be rich and not act like it. And that is a problem. In fact, that’s why author wrote this book.

ANDY STANLEY is a pastor, communicator, author, and the founder of North Point Ministries (NPM).

For many of us, our problem isn’t that we’re not rich; our problem is that we don’t feel rich. The desire to feel wealthy causes us to place our hope in money instead of in God. But the Bible describes a different way of thinking about and using our wealth.

Rich people live in denial. They won’t admit they’re rich. No matter how much you have, there’s always someone who has more. Most of us are rich. And one of the dangers of being rich is discontentment. The more you have, the more you want. Wealth has side effects. If you’re rich, you’re at risk. How do we avoid the pitfalls of wealth?….

How to Be Rich is liberating, fresh, convicting, and wise. It is a radical message in a friendly voice, and it could change your life.

-John Ortberg

Language: English
Format: ebook PDF
Pages: 157
Size: 502 kb

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