The 100 Simple Secrets Of Happy People by David Niven

THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy People : What Scientists Have Learned And How You Can Use It by David Niven, Ph.D. (PDF) 

happy bookWhat do happy people do differently than unhappy people? Psychology’s best observations appear in academic journals like the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

But you may not have access to these journals, and even if you did, you would find them written in scientific gobbledygook, not understandable English.

That’s where The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People comes in. After reviewing over a thousand studies written during the last decade exploring the characteristics and beliefs of happy people, I have taken the best, most practical advice from that body of research. Instead of using academic jargon. The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People translates the conclusions of this research into simple, useful advice.

Each study on happiness has been boiled down to its core and then expressed in a way everyone will understand. With the scientific results of research as its foundation. The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People often; 100 simple pieces of advice and examples of how people find happiness and stay happy.

The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People is not just one person’s intuition. Rather, it reflects the research conclusions of noted scientists studying the lives of regular people. My interpretation and translation of this research will help those who want to know more about the differences between happy and unhappy people.

It will also help those who want to know what they can do to enjoy life more. I’m pointing now, and I hope you will look.

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 225
Size: 1 mb