The Gifts of Imperfection: Your Guide to a Wholehearted Life

the gifts of imperfection by brené brown in pdf

Wholehearted living is not a onetime choice. It is a process. In fact, Author believe it’s the journey of a lifetime. Her goal is to bring awareness and clarity to the constellation of choices that lead to Wholeheartedness and to share what he’ve learned from many, many people who have dedicated themselves to living and loving with their whole hearts.

Before embarking on any journey, including this one, it’s important to talk about what we need to bring along. What does it take to live and love from a place of worthiness? How do we embrace imperfection? How do we cultivate what we need and let go of the things that are holding us back?

The answers to all of these questions are courage, compassion, and connection—the tools we need to work our way through our journey.

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 98
Size: 1.01 mb

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