Shojo Fashion Manga Art School: How to Draw Cool Looks & Characters


Fasion drawing manga art pdf

Title: Shojo Fashion Manga Art School: How to Draw Cool Looks & Characters
Author: Irene Flores
Year: 2009
Pages: 146
Size: 19.4 mb
Format: PDF

Even though your drawing style might be heavily influenced by comic books, it has to be rooted in reality. This book provides some drawing fundamentals, with a focus on how to stylize for a manga-like look. After you have the basics, we’ll move on to the fun stuff. Clothes, like anatomy, have some fundamentals as well, certain physical nuances that affect the way they look. Understanding how they’re constructed— from the seams to the cut of the garment to the textiles from which they’re made—can affect how clothes appear.

After we’ve taken a look at how to draw realistic clothes, we can see the impact that they make when our characters are wearing them. Creating characters and drawing clothes go hand in hand. Sometimes, certain characters only have one outfit throughout an entire series. Their clothes can be a good indicator of their personality before they even utter a word.

Finally, after drawing your characters and getting them dressed, it’s time to create a world to put them in. Your well-dressed characters need someplace to go, after all—be it the local hangout or their own rooms.
So turn the pages already, and get to drawing!

Free Download: Shojo Fashion Manga Art School