Mysteries of Human Behavior: Course Guidebook

Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior: Course Guidebook by Professor Mark Leary

Рrofessor Mark Leary is Garonzik Family “Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, where he heads the program in Social Psychology and is faculty director of the Duke Interdisciplinary Initiative in Social Psychology. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from West Virginia Wesleyan College and his master’s and doctoral degrees in Social Psychology from the University of Florida. He has taught previously at Denison University, The University of Texas at Austin, and Wake Forest University, where he served as department chair.

Professor Leary has published 12 books and more than 200 scholarly chapters and articles on topics dealing with social motivation and emotion and the negative effects of excessive egotism and self-focus. He has been particularly interested in the ways in which people’s emotions, behaviors, and self-views are influenced by their concerns with other people’s perceptions and evaluations of them.

Table of Contents:

  • LECTURE GUIDES LECTURE 1 Solving Psychological Mysteries
  • LECTURE 2 How Did Human Nature Evolve?
  • LECTURE 3 Where Do People’s Personalities Come From?
  • LECTURE 4 How Can Siblings Be So Different?
  • LECTURE 5 Why Do People Need Self-Esteem—Or Do They?
  • LECTURE 6 Why Do We Have Emotions?
  • LECTURE 7 What Makes People Happy?
  • LECTURE 8 Why Are So Many People So Stressed Out?
  • LECTURE 9 Why Do Hurt Feelings Hurt?
  • LECTURE 10 Why Do We Make Mountains out of Molehills?
  • LECTURE 11 Why Is Self-Control So Hard?
  • LECTURE 12 Why Do We Forget?
  • LECTURE 13 Can Subliminal Messages Affect Behavior?
  • LECTURE 14 Why Do We Dream?
  • LECTURE 15 Why Are People So Full of Themselves?
  • LECTURE 16 Do People Have Psychic Abilities?
  • LECTURE 17 Why Don’t Adolescents Behave like Adults?
  • LECTURE 18 How Much Do Men and Women Really Differ?
  • LECTURE 19 Why Do We Care What Others Think of Us?
  • LECTURE 20 Why Are Prejudice and Conflict So Common?
  • LECTURE 21 Why Do People Fall In—and Out of—Love?
  • LECTURE 22 What Makes Relationships Succeed or Fail?
  • LECTURE 23 Why Do People Blush?
  • LECTURE 24 A Few Mysteries We Can’t Explain Yet

Language: English
Pages: 211
Size: 3 mb