The Man of the Crowd by Edgar Allan Poe

The Man of the Crowd by Edgar Allan Poe read online full text

Author:  Edgar Allan Poe
Online reading time: 45 minutes
Published:  1840
Original language:  English
Type:  Story , Novel
Literary Genre: Psychological Romance , Realistic Romance

The protagonist of Edgar Allan Poe’s story The Man of the Crowd is having a pleasant time in a cafe, watching passers-by and trying to determine the occupation of passers-by. Among the many people his attention is attracted by a decrepit old man. In his face he sees anger, coldness, avarice, fear, despair and bloodthirstiness. He decides to follow him. After looking closer at the stranger, the narrator notices the old man has a diamond ring. Will our hero learn what secret the pursued man is keeping?

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American poet, writer, and literary critic. Poe is at the origin of several genres: science fiction, horror literature, and the detective. The writer is considered a consummate master of the short story, which could be both tragic, fantastic and humorous. One of his most successful works is the poem The Raven, which was a success immediately after publication.

The Man of the Crowd by Edgar Allan Poe