Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë read online full text free pdf
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights is the only novel by English writer and poet Emily Brontë, published in December 1847 under her pen name Ellis Bell, and her best-known work. It was called “the most romantic novel”, “the devil’s book, united all the strongest female tendencies,” one of the best novels “on the strength and penetration of style. Reading the novel leaves no one indifferent. This full of love and hatred story of fatal passion Heathcliff, adopted son of the owner of the estate Wuthering Heights, to the daughter of the owner Catherine again and again finds its reader. As before, it attracts to itself, mesmerized by its beauty and amazed by the depth of penetration of the author into the mysteries of the human soul. Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights on the list of the 100 best books of all time.
Author: Emily Brontë
Original language:  English
Published: December 1847
Literary Genre: romantic novel
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